association of power generating companies

The Institute of Combustion and Power Plant Technology of the University of Stuttgart has been involved in research activities related to combustion and gasification of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels for over 50 years. Thanks to numerous European, International and national projects, great experience and know-how have been collected in clean combustion technologies, carbon capture technologies and utilisation of solid fuels such as coal, biomass and solid recovered fuels. The knowledge gathered on different combustion technologies over the years will be a great asset to this project in order to retrofit the firing system for low- to zero-carbon fuels. USTUTT has vast experience in project coordination and management in national and international projects such as Oxyburner, BioxySorb, AC2OCem, etc. USTUTT will therefore coordinate the GreenDEALCO2 project and will lead WP6 on management, coordination and dissemination.
USTUTT has been strongly active in experimental activities on the combustion of different biomasses and solid recovered fuels for their utilisation as alternative biofuels for power and cement industry. The outcome and experience of previous and ongoing projects on solid and gaseous fuel combustion can be exploited in this project and serve as a basis for future activities. This extensive results exploitation will support GreenDEALCO2 to formulate and design the most cost- and energy-efficient options for retrofitting end-of-life coal power plants using gaseous or solid fuels in WP1.
Experimental facilities for combustion and gasification are available with capacities ranging from 15 kW to 500 kW. USTUTT in WP1 will modify and adapt the 20 kW electrically heated reactor to investigate the combustion of H2/SNG and alternative energy carriers of Si and NH3 to bring the latter technologies to TRL 5. The technical-scale facility of 20 kW has high fuel flexibility and is suitable for parametric studies. The temperature along the reactor length can be adjusted with the help of five heating elements, enabling reliable investigations of temperature-related combustion. Temperature and profile measurements of the flame and flue gas emissions as well as solid particle sampling are possible along the furnace via a movable sampling probe.
USTUTT will support the retrofittability studies in WP2 and will formulate suitable scenarios depending on the boundary conditions of selected plants and will evaluate the impact of new fuel on the plant performance. USTUTT will also be involved in WP2 to investigate the use of stranded assets for power-to-fuel integration and will perform experiments on oxygen-enriched combustion for waste-to-energy plants, where the oxygen by-product of electrolysis is proposed to be used in the waste-to-energy plant.
University of Stuttgart (USUTT)
research institute
Montanuniversität Leoben (MUL)

Montanuniversitaet Leoben is well-known as one of the best technical Universities in Austria undertaking high-quality research focused along the “added value chain”, from the extraction of raw materials and their preparation, material & product development, production processes, manufacturing, building components/plants up to recycling and deposition. Additionally, Montanuniversität Leoben participates in setting-up of national competence centres, CD laboratories, research studios and takes part in a high number of national, European and international research projects such as NEFI and RECPP. The chair of Energy Network Technology at the Montanuniversitaet Leoben has vast references in the research field of complex energy systems. Most of the reference projects are dealing with research on future public energy supply concepts and industrial energy-systems. In addition, experience exists in the investigation and evaluation of different renewable energy sources for efficient energy supply and use. MUL also builds up know-how about dynamic energy system calculations as well as system-flexibility design and operation in all grid-based energy-carriers. Another research field is design and operation optimization for the implementation of any novel energy technologies in industrial energy systems or in the energy-systems of power plants. In the context of the greenDEALCO2 project, both research fields turn out to be beneficial: The experience in energy-system research will lead to tailor-made operation routines for the investigated concepts. The experience of optimizing industrial-energy systems guarantees the use of high-level methods for the design questions to be solved. For performing the tasks, the following fields of expertise are relevant:
Design optimization of industrial energy systems or power plant energy systems with a special focus on energy efficiency and flexible operation,
Operation optimization of energy technologies in public energy-supply systems with high shares of RES,
Techno-economic analysis for achieving economic optima.
MUL will lead WP3 and will be involved in WP1 and WP2 by performing techno-economic evaluation and investigations on using stranded assets.
research institute
National Technical University of Athen (NTUA)

The Laboratory of Steam Boilers and Thermal Plants (LSBTP) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) has wide experience and is active for over 30 years in the field of thermal energy conversion technologies, focusing among other topics on energy efficiency assessment and evaluation, energy savings in industrial processes and power plants, environmental, social and economic sustainability assessment of renewable energy generation and storage technologies, as well as CO2 utilisation applications, process simulation/optimisation, experimental testing and development of heat pump units, thermodynamic modelling and development of advanced cycles for power generation, power-to-X and tri- and poly-generation systems for power, heating, chemicals and cooling production. LSBTP has experience in project coordination and is an active project partner, in past and ongoing European projects, investigating sector coupling, low carbon energy generation, storage and production of fuels and platform chemicals, such as HYFLEXPOWER, Biofficiency, BIOCON-CO2, CO2freeSNG and CO2freeSNG2.0. Furthermore, NTUA is a certified body for heating systems and hot water boilers, providing the “CE” marking. It has certified over 90% of the small, medium and large co- (tri-) generation plants operating nowadays in Greece. A complete testing facility for boilers’ certification according to the EU prototype EN ISO/IEC 45011 (EC certifier for oil- and natural gas-fired boilers) is available in the laboratory for testing central heating systems fed with solid, liquid, gas fuel or electricity-driven heat pumps or ion exchange boilers with a maximum nominal heat output of 400 kW.
NTUA will support the modelling of power-to-fuel integration scenarios in closed and end-of-life coal-related assets, providing an exergy analysis, as well as an exergoeconomic assessment of the developed solutions. Using the data from the simulations of the proposed configurations, NTUA will lead WP4 and will perform a comparative environmental (LCA), economic (LCC), and socio-economic as well as socio-politic sustainability evaluation of the integrated power-to-fuel systems. The models and data inventories required for the studies will be based on commercially available software suites (Sima Pro, Aspen Plus) and in-house tools, databases (e.g. ecoinvent) as well as the laboratory’s extensive experience in relevant projects. Data interpretation will be performed using up-to-date methodologies (e.g. ReCiPe2016), while ensuring compliance with relevant EU guidelines and international standards. NTUA will also support the retrofittability study by undertaking a multi-criteria performance assessment of the proposed concepts and identifying optimal retrofit scenarios.
research institute
Meo Carbon Solutions (MCS)

Meo Carbon Solutions GmbH (MCS) is an independent consulting company with a special work focus and a long working history in the area of renewable resources, bio-based and fossil wastes as well as residues, renewable energies, biofuels, sustainability, certification, climate change and greenhouse gas emission calculations.
MCS is active in Europe, South East Asia, Africa, and the Americas and has managed many national and international projects for public and private sector clients in these areas. MCS has gained in-depth practical experience with the analysis and implementation of the RED, FQD and RED II and with following their requirements on a European level but also with respect to implementation by Member States. In the GreenDEALCO2 project, MCS will lead WP5 and based on its vast experience will analyse different regulatory frameworks for the E-fuels produced. MCS has initiated and is still managing ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification) in a multi-stakeholder process. ISCC is a system that can be used to prove compliance with the sustainability and GHG requirements from the RED. ISCC was the first system to become officially recognized by the German Government in 2010 and by the European Commission in 2011. Today ISCC is the leading global sustainability and GHG certification system. MCS also leads in a multi-stakeholder process the development of ISCC PLUS, a certification system to support the development of the circular economy and bioeconomy. ISCC PLUS is also being used already to certify alternative fuels that are not yet part of the RED (e.g. RFNBOs, RCFs) or will only become relevant once the RED II is implemented by Member States and the relevant Delegated Acts have been finalized. MCS regularly supports companies in the implementation and preparation of certification, in particular with respect to new and innovative supply chains, feedstock and technologies. If relevant, MCS also develops and proposes changes or additional scopes for certification concepts to cover new set-ups and technologies. Relying on a recognized certification system and know-how on developing certification schemes, MCS will perform a pilot certification for the emerging E-fuels over the whole supply chain in coal-related assets. MCS will also investigate the development of guarantee of origin for the E-fuels investigated.
consulting company
Mitsubishi Power Europe

Mitsubishi Power Europe GmbH (Mitsubishi Power), a subsidiary of globally operating Mitsubishi Hitachi Heavy Industries, with more than 100 years of experience, designs, constructs and commissions environmentally friendly thermal power plants, provides service for power plants, green technologies and power and energy Solutions. Mitsubishi Power also supplies key components such as utility and industrial steam generators, air quality control systems, steam turbines, gas turbines also fired with H2, heat pumps, CO2 capture technology, energy storage technologies, power-to-heat technology, power-to-fuel/CCU technology and Converted Local Biomass. Mitsubishi Power is intensively investigating new technologies for future green power generation and intelligent solutions regarding energy storage. Mitsubishi Power is also involved in the Carbon-Free Gas Power project for Nuon’s Magnum Power Plant, which serves as the first hydrogen-fueled Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Plant. Mitsubishi Power will contribute to GreenDEALCO2 by providing know-how and expertise on engineering design for re-orienting the end-of-life and closed coal power plants. The modification and engineering required for retrofitting of power plants in WP1 and WP2 will be performed by Mitsubishi Power.
Mitsubishi Power is involved in a variety of projects with regards to CCU production such as the successfully completed EU research project MefCO2, the national funded project OptiMeOH and the ongoing projects ChemEFlex and ALIGN-CCUS. It has also conducted several studies and publications on the power-to-methanol technology as well as SNG and DME production. Owing to years of experience and several closed and ongoing projects, Mitsubishi Power will support the investigations on power-to-fuel technologies in WP3 and provide CAPEX and OPEX estimations to support the relevant techno-economic studies and will support the regulatory and certification analysis in WP5. As a leading technology provider in Europe, Mitsubishi Power with the cooperation of all utility partners will prepare a business plan for the power sector on power-to-fuel integration in coal-related assets.
technology provider
RWE Power AG (RWE P)

RWE Power AG, Essen/Cologne, is responsible for the electricity production from lignite and nuclear power plants within the RWE group. RWE Power operates three open cast mines in the Rhenish Lignite area which provided lignite for refinement processes and some 70 TWh electric power output from three lignite power plants with a capacity of 10.000 MW in 2019. Since 2009 RWE Power is operating a CO2 capture plant with more than 80.000 operation hours at the Niederaussem innovation center. The CO2 was and is still used in several CCU pilot plant projects together with national and international partners. As part of the transformation process from fossil fuel-based power production to a net-zero emission generation from 2040, RWE P is aiming at an after-use of the power plant sites and the infrastructure in the Rhenish lignite area while at the same time safeguarding jobs for qualified labour.
In GreenDEALCO2 project RWE P will support the consortium by providing site-related information for decommissioned coal plants that are suitable to be re-purposed for E-fuel production. The sites suitable for this application will be selected using the output of RECPP RFCS project, in which several closed coal power plant sites are investigated for re-purposing.
Public Power Cooperation (PPC)

The Public Power Corporation of Greece (PPC S.A.) is the largest power producer and electricity supplier in Greece. PPC’s current power portfolio accounts for approximately 56% of the total installed capacity in the country and mainly consists of conventional thermal units (lignite 3.45 GW and gas-fired 2.7GW), hydroelectric power plants (3.2GW) and renewable energy sources (121MW). In June 2018, the company formed two new, wholly-owned, subsidiaries, namely, Lignitiki Megalopolis SA with an installed power of 600 MW and Lignitiki Melitis SA with an installed power of 330 MW. In GreenDEALCO2, PPC will lead WP1 to investigate alternative energy commodities for its power plants and will be involved in other WPs to integrate these plants with power-to-fuel technologies and to promote E-fuels in the future market.
Upon its establishment, PPC focused on the utilisation of domestic energy resources and the integration of all networks into a national energy interconnected system. The company has also been involved in various national and international research projects. Today, PPC builds one of the most advanced and highly efficient lignite plants in the world (Ptolemais V) with a gross efficiency of around 48% and is highly interested in issues related to flexible operational units, including those addressing both PF and FB technologies as well as carbon capture and utilisation technologies. In the GreenDEALCO2 project, PPC will provide operational data and site-specific information to perform the investigations for actual plants using the relevant boundary conditions.
VERBUND Thermal Power GmbH & Co KG (VTP)

VERBUND Thermal Power GmbH&CoKG (VTP), is a 100% subsidiary from VERBUND AG, Austria’s leading utility. More than 95% of the electricity supplied by VERBUND AG is generated by climate-friendly, renewable hydropower, supplemented with thermal and wind power. VTP makes a significant contribution to assure the power supply in Austria, as thermal power plants operate independent of weather or season, and to compensate for any fluctuations occurring in renewable electricity generation. VTP has roughly 150 employees, a remaining installed electrical net capacity of 1,064 MWel and an additional 720 MWth district heat net capacity.
VTP can provide clear structured teams with highly skilled employees in engineering, erection and procurement as well as operation and maintenance of thermal power plants. VTP has also been active in research projects related to power-to-x technologies, namely HOTFLEX, RECPP and Hy2power.
Due to the massive distortions in the European electricity market-creating sector-wide pressure on profitability, particularly in the thermal area, VTP has already closed the oil-fired district heating power plant Neudorf/Werndorf II (152 MWel) in 2014, the Dürnrohr hard coal power plant (387 MWel) in 2015 and stopped coal firing in the hard coal power plant Mellach (226 MWel) in 2020. In GreenDEALCO2, VTP will provide the site-specific information of the Mellach plant to be investigated for the power-to-fuel integration. VTP is therefore mainly involved in WP2 and WP3 to re-purpose its already closed plant to a power-to-fuel plant and will support the sustainability analysis in WP4 as well as business plan formulation in WP5.
Motor Oil Hellas

MOH owns and operates one of the largest refineries in South-eastern Europe. Through its evolution, the company is now considered as one of the major contributors to the Greek economy and a key market player in the region. Its refinery is located in Agioi Theodori, in the province of Corinth; about 70 km outside Athens and with its ancillary plants and offsite facilities forms the largest privately held industrial complex in Greece. Due to its flexibility, it can process crude oils of various characteristics and produce a full range of petroleum products. The Refinery complex has also a combined heat and power (CHP) Plant with five gas turbines and an installed capacity of 85 MW, allowing all refining units to be energy autonomous. MOH also participates in numerous private and co-funded National and European Research projects such as DECADE, CARMOF, LIFE DIANA, PROOFF, DEEPDESOIL etc. and has also completed successfully a big number of them, to name a few DIRPRIMCOAL, CARDIOSOL, HYDROSOL-PLUS, LIFE PROTEAS, SIMPLE etc.
MOH activities spread in the energy sector and include: crude oil refining, production of petroleum products, construction and operation of photovoltaic panels and wind parks, energy production from renewable sources, electricity production and distribution / green certificate holder, hydrogen production, biofuels production.
In GreenDEALCO2, MOH will be involved in the activities of WP4 and WP5, as an end-user, by providing production and market specifications for the E-fuels, their potential market uptake, the economic, environmental and social validation of the proposed technology, the exploitation and dissemination activities of the project. Owing to its experience and previous activities, MOH will perform market analysis and outlook for E-fuels and advanced biofuels.
refinery owner and operator
vgbe is the technical association of energy plant operators. Our 436 members from 34 countries are companies that operate worldwide facilities for the generation of power, heat and cooling as well as for energy storage and sector coupling. Our members represent an electricity generation capacity of 303,000 MW. vgbe combines expertise and services in the fields of technology, operation, environmental protection and climate protection as well as operation and maintenance management for all types of power generation.
As an international association, vgbe works, on European level, in close co-operation with EURELECTRIC (the association of the European electricity industry). Furthermore vgbe also cooperates with a wide international network including EUROCOAL (European Association for Coal and Lignite), IEA (International Energy Association) and WEC (World Energy Council). Concerning the utilization und use of combustion products from coal-fired power plants, vgbe runs the management for ECOBA (European Coal Combustion Products Association).
vgbe has an excellent network of over 1.700 experts and also has experience in the coordination of big R&D-projects like “COMTES700” (Component Test Facility for a 700 °C Power Plant) or “ENCIO” (European Network of Component Integration and Optimisation). vgbe is also the coordinator of the RECPP (RFCS-2019).
In GreenDEALCO2 project vgbe will support the consortium by providing site-specific information (sites selected within the RECPP project) for decommissioned coal plants and in addition to that with information and expertise from its network, especially from the new Technical Committee “Future Energy System”, where topics like storage, sector coupling, Power to X, E-fuel production, etc. are dealt with.
association of enery plant operators