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Green Deployment of E-fuels and Liquids based on CO2 for closed and end-of-life coal-related assets


Project concept


The rapid coal phase-out strategy puts the European coal-fired plants under pressure. This not only produces stranded assets but also necessitates alternative energy supply.

The GreenDEALCO2 project proposes re-orienting and re-purposing end-of-life and closed coal power plants. The draft beyond illustrates the major objectives and makes it easier to understand the connection and interaction of the sectors.




With the project concepts will be developed by combining coal-related assets with E-fuel production to improve the economics of the power-to-fuel technology through synergy and the use of stranded and available assets. The production of sustainable E-fuels at coal-related assets is realized through green H2 and partly or fully green CO2 streams. Within the process configuration CO2 is related to one of the following sources:

  • CO2 from an end-of-life coal power plant that will be retrofitted to biomass such as high-quality biomass, residual biomass and waste-derived fuels or gaseous fuel of SNG and H2

  • CO2 from nearby waste-to-energy plants with partly biogenic waste and

  • CO2 from a nearby industrial plant

The site of the closed or retrofitted coal power plant will be integrated with a power-to-fuel production plant. For this purpose the boundary conditions of actual power plants from the utility operators of the consortium, located in Greece, Germany and Austria will be considered, so the case studies investigated will have realistic deployment prospects.

Furthermore the project aims to promote investments into E-fuels by performing sustainability analysis and a pilot certification on the whole supply chain of E-fuel production in retrofitted and closed coal power plants.




Workpackages with timeline

As shown in the draft bellow the project is structured in three main categories of case studies and technology development, framework and analysis and management and dissemination of results. The research activities are divided into six work packages. Click on the work package to get more information.


Workpackage 6: Project Management, coordination and dissemination

Case studies and technology components

Workpackage 3:

Power-to-fuel integration in retrofitted end-of-life and closed coal-related assets

Workpackage 2:

Using stranded assets of closed coal power plants

Workpackage 1:

Retrofitting of end-of-life coal plants

Framework and analysis

Workpackage 4:

Sustainability analysis of power-to-fuel integration

Workpackage 5:

Regulatory framework conditions, certification and market analysis



The runtime of the project are 3 years. The work packages outlined above are managed by different partners from the consortium. The following timeline gives an overview of the workflow with the respective processing time.



Workpackage 1
Workpackage 2
Workpackage 3
Workpackage 4
Workpackage 5
Workpackage 6



term: 30 months; managed by PPC

term: 15 months; managed by vgbe

term: 33 months; managed by MUL

term: 18 months; managed by NTUA

term: 30 months; managed by MCS

term: 36 months; managed by USTUTT

1st year                                               2nd year                                            3rd year 

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